Monday, February 23, 2009

If it was hard before...

It's about to get harder. I came in from the farm at ten past six and poked my head in the kitchen to find Donna limping around. I asked her what was wrong, and she said she fell on the stairs. She lifted her trouser leg and revealed a HUGE lump on her foot. It was so big I thought it was a joke, like she had stuffed a rolled up sock in her sock or something. So I gave her a double dose of Arnica, some ice, and an Arnica compress. Her "friend" Pete showed up (she was expecting him, I wasn't) and he called Alma (old lady/Anthroposophic nurse/matriarch of Botton) and Alma came and assessed the damage and eventually Pete took Donna to the hospital. Chances are, she broke her foot. Shit. Now what.

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